animal control?

2 years ago a 6 month old stray cat came into my house and stayed. He's happy and thriving now.

I put up posters. Put him on Craigslist. Flyer ed the neighborhood. Registered him on lost and found animal sites. For 3 months, I drove the neighborhood looking for signs. I did everything.

I got him shots at a free clinic and they didn't check for a chip. I honestly hadn't thought he might have one since he had no collar and I hadn't heard anything in months.

Fast forward two years.i took him in for a checkup and they found a chip. I asked them to call the owner to tell her he was OK and safely rehomed.

They left messages for her a month ago.

Today I called to re register the chip to me.

She called, angry, saying I stole her cat, says she reported me to animal control, filed a criminal complaint and notified my vet to turn him over if I take him back there.

My cat is so happy here and although he has the run of the yard, never leaves the patios.


What will happen? I tried to talk to her to negotiate replacing the cat for her but she just screamed and swore and wouldn't listwn.

She doesn't know where I live or my last name. Just my number.

J C2014-07-10T03:35:01Z

Laws vary by area, but pretty much if you make an effort to find a cat's owner and have no luck, then it's considered a stray and *has* no owner. You have documentation on the cat's vaccines, and proof of trying to find his owner via the websites? Your best bet is to call your local animal control yourself, explain their situation and get their take on it. They are familiar with local laws. I doubt she filed a police report - they'd have been at your door. Stray animals - unless it's a large aggressive dog who's a serious threat to people - aren't handled by police as they have more important things to do.


It's a tough situation. You took the cat in, took care of him for two years and then found out he was chipped. You did what you thought was the right thing by notifying the original owner, but by doing so, you may be obligated to give him back or face legal problems. I am sorry to give you bad news as you more than likely share a great bond with him, but the only way to keep him now without further issue from the original owner may be to hire a lawyer.