animal control?

2 years ago a 6 month old stray cat came into my house and stayed. He's happy and thriving now.

I put up posters. Put him on Craigslist. Flyer ed the neighborhood. Registered him on lost and found animal sites. For 3 months, I drove the neighborhood looking for signs. I did everything.

I got him shots at a free clinic and they didn't check for a chip. I honestly hadn't thought he might have one since he had no collar and I hadn't heard anything in months.

Fast forward two years.i took him in for a checkup and they found a chip. I asked them to call the owner to tell her he was OK and safely rehomed.

They left messages for her a month ago.

Today I called to re register the chip to me.

She called, angry, saying I stole her cat, says she reported me to animal control, filed a criminal complaint and notified my vet to turn him over if I take him back there.

I asked her why she hadn't tried to find it. She said she thought it was killed 2 yrs. Ago.

My cat is so happy here and although he has the run of the yard, never leaves the patios.


What will happen? I tried to talk to her to about replacing the cat for her but she just screamed and swore and wouldn't listwn.

She doesn't know where I live or my last name. Just my number.


Favorite Answer

Of course she is the rightful owner of the cat, but that's just because she paid for it (2 years ago). She's most probably already over the loss of the cat she barely knew and after 2 years, those dollars shouldn't matter anymore by now. You watched the cat grow up, which is worth much more. She bought it and lost it, which are the only reasons she could be mad. And does she have proof it is her cat? The chip isn't really good evidence, especially since it has been redirected to you by now. The lawfully right thing to do is return the cat, if she has further evidence. But personally I (And I'm sure most others) would cut off all contact with the woman and keep the cat, since her reasons for being so mad aren't very convincing. And your reasons for keeping it would be logical.


After research on many websites...
Technically, if you don't give the cat back, you're stealing the cat. Cats are micro chipped so if they get lost and are found they can be returned to their owner. Due to this, this mess is 1/2 your fault.
On the other hand, the other 1/2 is the owner's fault. But I don't think that can be helped since it's an outdoor cat besides the owner being a moron, but cats don't usually seem to get lost really.
Be grateful that an argument of "lost companionship" and "pain and suffering" aren't valid in court considering on ticked off she sounded.
Okay.. soo
As you found the cat, you have superior rights over everyone else in court other than the true owner.
As you have taken in the cat, you now have a contract woven by law that you have to return him to the true owner, unfortunately. However, the owner must compensate for you taking care of her cat before she can claim the cat as her property once again.
Owner will have to prove ownership through description of behavior, appearance, DNA, and marks/scars. However, he's chipped; but she might have to prove herself owner anyways. If you already got the chip turned to you, then the vet will probably vouch for the owner/records.
Unfortunately, apparently you giving the owner the cat back is absolute unless your defense is affirmative.
Also, you could have kept the cat since apparently if they lose the cat for longer than 3 years, their ownership expires. But I don't really know since I'm pretty young and that's what I understood.
The owner CAN charge you for theft of property. However, you're not actually guilty unless you kept the cat knowing of the owner, in which you really are stealing.
So what I understood is that you
A. Give the cat back and come home with a large wad of cash for those two years of cat-caring for.
B. Go to court and have A happen or keep the cat.
I'm really sorry, but I don't believe the odds are in your favor.
If you keep the cat, you'll be guilty of stealing the cat. If you go to court, you'll need a really good lawyer since you won't be able to keep the cat if your defense isn't good enough to beat the true owner's absolute.
In other words, you'll need to REALLY fight if you want to keep him. But I recommend you just give him up since... well... While the owner was stupid for not keeping track of her cat (besides microchipping), they were living for 2 years thinking what was basically their CHILD was dead. Pretty awful.
Anyways, if you give up the cat, you can arrange that you will be able to know of the cat's well-being one way or another. If she lives close to you and you dub eachother trust-worthy, you can just visit her house and be friends. No harm. Or, you can ask her if she can email you every now and again so you know that he's alright. Personally, I'd prefer if I could visit the owner's house ONCE so I could see that the cat could thrive there.
I'm still not understanding of the law, so you should look at the source-website. I'm sorry that this mess happened, I hope you get to keep him! He sounds like a sweetheart.


I mean you did everything you could to find the cat's home and if she really did care about it she wouldn't have let it get lost and would have actually tried to find it instead of assuming it died. You took it in,cared for it,payed for shots,watched it grow,bonded with it. I doubt she misses the cat since it's been 2 years and couldn't have had much of a bond with it. I mean she did buy the cat but did a terrible job a taking care of it. If anything she should be reported for neglect. Even though it is hers through a contract, I'd say it is physically and emotionally yours. It would probably be devastated if it was torn from the one it loves and was raised by by an angry,crazy cat lady. Block her number. Maybe take the cat to get the chipped removed,take it to a different vet and get it a new chip,that way she can't interfere.cut her out of your life and don't let her take YOUR cat


I think a court would rule in your favour immediately. The court is interested in the animals welfare and not who owns it. That is ok with a microwave but not a living creature. This is not a question of ownership "Well I thought it was dead" will not cut it with a court. You have done all you can for this animal. Explain this and tell her to take you to court. Remind her that she will have to pay court expenses when you win.


You need to return the cat. You know it has an owner and you need to return it.

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