When you gonna wake up?

Salaams to all...

i have been listening to the song by Bob Dylan...
When you gonna wake up?

i really like it and wonder if you have the answer?
[x] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwjaucjsYyQ
this is one version that i really like...

hope you enjoy.


here is another great tune by Bob Dylan....
Gotta serve Somebody... https://vimeo.com/87876758


Favorite Answer

I'm right there with you ratia.
Amazing isn't it, some.... they don't see and they don't hear.

I think everything's going just fine. The unseen hierarchy is taking care of waking folks up just fine.

Back in 1957 they had this song....

and of course the arcade fire.....

I could play songs all day with you, and I might edit if I something good later.
Love you, keep the light shining!


its going to be a sunday so i will have a lie in and wake up late


When the alarm goes off, or the dog barks. How a bout never? O, and I'm pretty sure its entertainment, not some brilliant commentary

George Loves Tacos2014-07-19T15:00:51Z

I am already awake or else I wouldn't be on YA at the time if I was sleeping.


9 am