Is this sexual harassment?

I am the only girl in one of my high school senior’s class. They are fun guys and they like to tease me about how hot and sexy they are. One will say “do you want to see hard”. I told him I would need a microscope to see it. Some guy will say “Most girls think I am hung”. My reply, “you misunderstood, Most girls think you should be hung”. A guy will tell me “I have sex more than any guy in school”. I said “that explains the blisters on your hand?” Another guy said “My dong is so long, you will need a yard stick to measure it”. I told him a 2 inch stick would probably measure it. No matter what they come up with, I always have a put down for them.

They think it is fun and so do I. We all enjoy doing this. The guys told some of the other girls in school what was happening and these girls told me I shouldn’t have to “take” it anymore. That is sexual harassment. They say these guys are insulting all women by talking to me this way.

Gals, is that true


It's not harassment because you're playing along. Even if you weren't, guys ALWAYS joke about that stuff. It's a guy thing. Something we women will never fully come to terms with LOL

Geoff B2014-07-21T07:20:58Z

It seems over the top but you are encouraging them so you will have to live with it cause its too late to stop now unless to report it and drop them in it when its your fault for joining in


It's actually pretty simple. If they do this kind of stuff but you don't like it when they do it, it's sexual harassment. But since you don't mind it when they do and even like it, it's not harassment.
The problem is these days is that girls are being told that even little things like cat calling and getting compliments that are sexual from strangers (like "hey sexy", "nice ***") are sexual harassment. That's probably why those girls said that what these guys do is sexual harassment. I wouldn't listen to them if I were you. As long as you don't mind what they're doing, it doesn't matter.


i dont think .... becuz ur just having fun . even we do it ..


If you think it's a joke and a laugh then you have nothing to worry about, if they take it too far you may need to put your foot down and do something about it. I hang out with guys and they are the same.