Can Sevin dust be used indoors to deal with fleas?

One site says it can, one says it can't. So here is my situation. My cat brought in fleas and now the fleas are everywhere. I'm cleaning constantly and shampooing the cat, and doing everything every website tells me to do; however they are still in the house. My friend recommended Sevin Dust. I'm leaving my apartment for a few days and figured I could cover the floor before I left, hopefully all the flea eggs will hatch while I'm gone, and all will be dead when Icome back. Vacuum it all up and then let the cat back inside. Will this work or will the residue or whatever hurt my cat and/or me?

Mick W2014-09-20T00:11:07Z

use advantage obtainable from your vet, (or cheaper on line if you can wait) on the back of the pets neck it kills 99% of fleas in 24 hours, it stays effective for a month, you can also get sprays from the vet, to get rid of them in carpets and furniture.

if you use the spray its recommended not to vacuum for 24 to 48 hours, i suggest trying the advice below before embarking on the added expenditure of the sprays.

to reduce costs if you get an advantage for a larger cat than you own, (it goes on weight) empty the phial into a vessel and use a syringe or two to halve the dosage, putting half back into the phial and applying it to each cat in turn.

i;e i have 2 cats, the recommended dosage is 0.4ml per animal for up to 4 kg of body weight, by buying one for a large cat 0.8ml (4 kg and above) and dividing it into two doses, using old pet insulin syringes, i can treat both for about 50p more than the cost of a single 0.4ml dose for one cat,


you must be aware that only the adult fleas live on your pets, the rest of the life cycle the eggs, larva and pupa, are in your carpets and furniture, and when they hatch out they infest your home and pets again,

regular vacuuming of the home is essential to break the cycle and get rid of them, say every day or even twice a day to start with, i used to put a flea collar round the stub of the vac where the dustbag fits to kill off the ones that hatch out, and crawl out of the vac and reinfest your home, or you can empty the vac bag immediately after vacuuming, or even throw it in the bin,

as i now have a dyson there is no bag, so it goes straight in the dustbin outside.

remember a female flea lays up to 50 eggs a day, white in colour and about 1/2 a mm long, you may spot these on a dark coloured pet blanket.

without doing this the infestation will continue, as irrespective of how many adult fleas you kill, days later a fresh lot hatch out any you're back to square one again.

be advised that the secondary infection in your pet will be worms, as their eggs are in the fleas saliva, so they infect your pet when they bite it.

J C2014-09-19T19:02:42Z

Sevin is deadly to both humans and cats, and should never, ever be used indoors. Yes, it was used years ago - but so were other deadly pesticides like DDT. There are flea bombs your vet sells - and flea products - that work and are safe. Get those. Much better than poisoning yourself and your cat.