why is it wrong to put our parents in a nursing home when they need the care we are not capable of giving?


Favorite Answer

It's not wrong.

What's wrong is sticking your parents in a nursing home and literally never coming to visit them, basically forgetting that they exist. It's so sad to see that happen, but it does happen a lot. But I guess it depends on the nature of your relationship with your parents -- if they were truly a horrible parent to you, why treat them any different?


That depends on you. I know some parents who were fine with a nursing home, and some who weren't. The main argument people will use against it is that the "they cared for you since birth', but things happen so I can't really judge your decision.

Bebe J2014-10-16T22:23:35Z

It's not wrong to put them in a nursing home, they get the around the clock watch and care that we can't fulfill. Putting them in there and not going to see them, now that is wrong. Do what's best for them!


Lots of nursing homes abuse the elderly and you'll never see it until it is too late.

Why not just pay a trusted person to watch them at your home?

LARA, age 822014-10-16T21:22:34Z

That is the only sensible thing to do and I did it with my father