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God's ways are not mans ways...good point. I think man needs to start thinking like God and not God like man
Private Detective Eddie Valiant
What do you mean by mocker? If you are referring to atheists, we don't think anything of the sort. We simply remain unconvinced that any god (pick one) exists. We don't expect one (pick one) to do anything in any certain way, that's absurd. We merely live our lives the way we naturally would, and should a god (pick one) actually exist, and should it be concerned about whether or not we believe it exists, it would know exactly what it would take to convince us of its existence.
You can slant that and spin it and color it whatever shade you wish, but we don't hold expectations for something we do not believe actually exists. And while some may mock your beliefs, most of us do not. Most of us are not concerned with what other people believe unless it directly affects us. Regardless, by calling us collectively "mockers" you are essentially doing the very same thing and provoking us in the process.
Christians are the ones saying God has to be a certain way, not atheists. Christians are the ones that think that the creator of the universe MUST have wanted foreskins from the Jews. They won't accept any other possible creator.
I wouldn't relate it to God's existence. I would say that if God does things in a certain GOOD way, then God might be good, and if God does things in a certain BAD way then God is most likely evil.
No, Atheists don't believe in gods It is Theists who believe that their god acts in certain ways and did certain things and exists.