My ten year old stepson is becoming boastful?

I do my best to try to instill confidence and positivity in the boy but he has recently become more bragging in what he says "I m the best speller in the whole school,I m brilliant at everything" this normal 10 year old behavior or should I guide him away from it?


Boastful behaviour is often a sign of low self-esteem. He may be trying to push the image that he's really awesome because he's feeling terrible inside about himself. Ask him follow up questions. How do you know you're brilliant at everything? Why do you think you're the best speller in the school? What would you do if there was a spelling contest at school and you lost?

Being boastful isn't attractive and is a red flag that there's an underlying issue. Guide him away from that type of behaviour, but also work on his self-esteem too.


He's brilliant at everything? Wow!


He need humility lessons and fast, try to find something to teach him.