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A ten year old just answered one of my questions. Are there really children here that young on YA?

If so that SERIOUSLY concerns me.

Can that be reported or fixed in some way? I don't want to kill anyone's fun, but to be honest, if my ten year old were on YA I would be bothered!


RAYAN: It bothers me, because there are people out there, on line (and in real life too) who aren't concerned that you as a 13 yr old haven't lived enough to know or have an idea about certain things. Don't see this as a way to sensor you! I am all for growth and learning. The thing is, that once you lose your childhood because some wayward half adult pushed you into adulthood too soon, you CAN NOT get it back.

I don't want a 10 yr old answering my question, because whether my question is innocent or a little on the 'rough' side, I don't want them getting ideas or rearranging what I wrote, because of misunderstandings.

This is cliche, but you will understand later....

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have to unfortunately say yes on this one. There's already far too many underage users who be on this site. I'm also concerned for them, like you. Because of what you raised in your question, I have to agree with you on this one. It is a very serious matter by the looks of things. There's no telling what kind of danger they can be in while on this site. What they don't realize is that there are rude users, profanity, and online pedophiles who want to take advantage of them. This matter should be brought to the immediate attention of the Y!A Team.

    To report them, go to their posted content and click the Report Abuse button. Once at the abuse report page, check the first box for a Community Guidelines violation. In the Additional Details box, type in "Underage account." By providing this information there, this will give them and Customer Care more to work with when dealing with this situation. Click Submit when finished.

    Once reported, they will get their accounts suspended by Customer Care for being underage. This has to be done for their own good because of the aforementioned reasons. Anyone who wants to participate on Y!A has to be 13 or older; this is for safety and legal reasons.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My understanding is the minimum age required is 13 yrs old. My 11 yr old grandson, whom I adopted tried to join and was refused and yet my 14 yr old adopted grandson was accepted. I agree with you, Robert, that 10 is WAY too young. I wish there were groups on here--by ages-such as possibly 14 through 16 and maybe 17 through 19 and so forth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I agree with 110% it is serious and if you follow these steps the account will usually be removed swiftly.

    To report content in violation of Answers Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, go to the page where the abusive question or answer appears, and click the "Report Abuse" link associated with it. To report abuse that does not appear in the question or answer (such as Children under 13, harassment, obscene avatars, etc), please indicate it in the Additional Details box provided on the Report Abuse form after clicking the link.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Report them as an underage user. 13 yrs old and up is allowed and truthfully I think 13 is too young

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To report it, go to the "Report" icon at the bottom of the post the child made on your question.

    And yeah, there are children that young here on Y!A. I guess they lie on the Yahoo! registration and then forget to back it up.

  • ®
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are many children here, but YA says the youngest allowed is 13.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why does it bother you that a ten yr old answered your question? Was his answer rude or mean? I'm 13 and i use this because it answers MANY questions i have i hope i did bother you answering this because i will be really mad/sad if you report me and my account is suspended from this. oh and p.s. i started asking questions on here when i was ten but i used my other email.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is one of the reasons why i stopped answering in this game.

    There are allott of kids and adults acting like kids !

  • 1 decade ago

    They can't answer/ask questions if they're under 13! Report.

  • 1 decade ago

    can you tell me why it concerns you? if it is because of inappropriate jokes or adult language, thats the person who asked the question fault and the kid for clicking on it. but other than that, there should be no concern

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