Favorite Answer
All religions are based on faith. Therefore one deserves no more credibility than another. They're all fiction.
Jim V
My religion is based on faith drawn from facts.
#1 fact is that naturalism (atheism) does not even have the necessary attributes either philosophically or scientifically to begin to explain the world/universe we observe.
Jenna H
It has been scientifically proven that the prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament of the bible all happened.
Those prophecies were written thousands of years before Jesus birth, and in a 33 year span he fulfilled them all. Right down to his name and birthplace.
Isn't science fact?
Religions are faith based which means they are devoid of facts.
American Humanist
By having faith. You see that the beautiful thing about the whole arrangement. With faith, all contradictions, scientific impossibilities, and historical inaccuracies are negated.,,,or better yet, ignored