Will we ever unlock and control the deep structure of matter. ...or?

....Is the Quantum Realm forever beyond our manipulations, because it behaves impossibly by our reasoning.?

who WAS #1?2015-02-16T05:42:37Z

Favorite Answer

Excellent metaphysical question!
Something about which I know somewhat.
Here's the deal.

The quantum realm, that vast undulating sea of potential which knows no time nor space, is as close as modern science can get to the boundary between this "reality:" and the "spriitual realm", from which all this energy comes. Somewhere in the Old Testament of the bible we have God saying "should I withdraw my hand...." the lights go out and the universe disappears.

Yea, and I believe it.

Words are of course only symbols but it's the only thing we have with which to communicate so we have to try to fit vast concepts into simple 3 letter words like "God", but it's all we have to work with to communicate. Star Wars phrases it differently, calling it The Force. Same thing but it doesn't scare the straights ;)

Either way, quantum physics is mostly a mathematical construct, can't actually see or measure it, can't put it on a chalk board. But it's as close as science can get to the boundary between this physical (E=Mc2) universe and the source of the energy which keeps this universe fueled up.

All the rest is Zen, which has to do with time. The past is gone, the future is merely potential and all we humans have is the present moment. Make the most of it. For example, why are you looking at a computer screen right now? Is that the best use of our time? Right now it is for me. There's a raging snowstorm happening outside and this afternoon I have planned (didn't know about the storm coming) I have planned an outdoor "block party" BBQ. Already have wood staged by the official BBQ pit on this 40 acre property where I rent an apartment and there are about 8 buildings here and technically 92 units. I am going to look like a crazy man out there by yself under 4" of snow BBQing but what good is it being a survivalist wacko if one can;t have fun with fire in the snow? I intend to have fun and the harder it gets (with wind chill it will feel like 0 degrees outside this afternoon) the more fun I intend to have.

Bring it ON! Good Morning Vietnam!
Breaking news: Grant is not actually crazy, he just likes life on the edge. Where is the edge? Guess what, just as in movie The Matrix there is no spoon... there is no edge. I decide what reality I want to live in. Don;t have to think outside the box because there is no box. Don't have to expand the envelope because there is no envelope. Reality is what we make of it. And if one is not having fun then one is not doing it correctly;)

I rest my case.


I think we will because we have recently produced antimatter, which was only a theoretical substance a few years ago when Captain Kirk was zooming across the universe.
I believe that anything we imagine can be done or created eventually. For centuries,human beings longed to fly like the birds...we did it. Then we imagined flying to the moon,,,we did it.
And one day we will unlock the deep structure of matter and become like gods. We may even meet our creator and join him, but I don't want to turn this into a religious crusade.


We make antimatter every day and have been doing so for some time. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) involves making Positrons which are antimatter. We think we know the basic particles of the Universe and can knock quarks free on occaision.
We explore the quantum foam which seems to be the irreducible minimum of the Universe.

Fake Genius2015-02-16T12:12:08Z

How can you control happiness and sadness? Who is to control them - you or your chemicals? In broad universe, you can find infinity of formation, neverending finding. Certainly some of them can be controlled, some cannot be. But who are the chemicals? Are you the chemicals or are chemicals you? They've been trying to make a different type of life in laboratory.


Have you checked up on CERN? To to youtube and watch a few of the videos. The world as we know it is going to change very soon.

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