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will deep space Travel ever be possible?

hello, maybe i have been watching too much star trek. but anyway do think we will ever travel into deep space? if so, how will it be done? and in your heart of hearts think it will ever happen? i personally don't think it will. but again i didn't think we would reach the moon. thanks a lot.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Selective breeding, Liz?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    No, you haven't been watching too much Star Trek. Some or perhaps most of the technologies in that series will more than likely be possible in the future. We first need to forget war and stop wasting money on it. Some time in the future we will be able to travel into deep space. Our destiny lies in the stars. Perhaps not us, but many generations from now. There are several ways that scientists are speculating how deep space travel could be done. The main problem is the time it takes to traverse vast distances and what are the favorable means of propulsion. A fusion engine or antimatter engine could produce large amounts of energy. One major problem with antimatter engines though. Antimatter has never been generated in large quantities or lasted long enough. The longest that about 300 antimatter particles (they generated anti-hydrogen) lasted was for 10 minutes and that is very promising progress actually. It used to be that we could only contain antimatter for not even a second. Three hundred is not enough, and to use antimatter in commercial use today would cost a lot of money. In the future antimatter engines may be a feasible source for propulsion and could really give spacecraft a lot of acceleration. With the energy output of an antimatter engine the ship could get *near* the speed of light within a year depending on its mass. The problem is sustaining the energy output. How do we constantly generate antimatter/matter interactions? Another proposal is that we could in effect "break" the light barrier by generating and/or using wormholes. Wormholes are "holes" in space-time that link two distant points in space. By going through one you could end up in the Andromeda galaxy (2.5 million light years away) instantly. There's also a problem with this, actually several problems. Wormholes are only theoretical at the moment. They're not actually proven to exist naturally or if they're even a possibility. They are synonymous with time travel to the past which seems to violate cause-effect relations, i.e. you end up at the end of the wormhole and then you enter where you started. If they do exist they will be incredibly unstable, in fact so unstable that if a proton were to enter one, it would probably collapse. One possibility is that throwing negative matter into a wormhole you could in theory keep it open. There are a number of problems that can be solved, but we first need to prove that they do in fact exist. Antimatter engines are probably the most promising propulsion systems to at least get to a considerable fraction of the speed of light. Going at these speeds, time dilation effects would take care of the time that it would take from an outside observer's reference frame. We could also use a warp drive where we contract the space in front of the spacecraft and expand the space behind us for near c (speed of light) space travel. I forgot what the name of the person was who conceived the idea. I do think that it will happen sometime in the future, but not in our generation.

    Here are some links for wormholes and antimatter engines

  • 10 years ago

    Interstellar travel is possible given things like nuclear or even anti-matter technology. I very much doubt it will be anything like Star Trek, however. I paraphrase Carl Sagan in saying that it won't be like stepping onto an airplane and arriving at another star a few hours later. It will be a few years later at best. And it will require tremendous amounts of energy to get there.

  • 10 years ago

    Will deep space Travel ever be possible?

    Oh, I believe man has the capability to make deep space travel possible right now (if we all truly wanted to do so). However, it is hard to say if man will ever achieve this, though. We may end up destroying ourselves before this can happen.

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  • Liz
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


    We're going. We'll get there. We won;t ever check back in when we go, but we will go.

    Cryogenics, Cybernetics, selective breeding, genetic engineering. All of these things can add up to the thousands or even millions of years of torpor or stasis needed to move a colony of humans from here to there, wherever there is.

    Harnessing the power of gravity in some unknown way could lead us to engines capable of near light speed travel. Potentially making it possible to get to the closer stars within a human lifetime.

    We just are going to keep picking at this one until we get it. We are human. Its what we do.

  • 10 years ago

    There was a time when it was thought impossible to break the speed of sound. Now we know better (in fact, every time you hear thunder or the crack of a whip, you're hearing a sonic boom).

    It is currently believed impossible to break the speed of light. And I would say those who say that know a bit more than those who said it was impossible to break the sound barrier.

    That's the real question. Aside from generational ships (a ship being a colony, and you know that your great-grandchildren will make it to that other planet), without faster than light travel, it's functionally impossible.

  • 4 years ago

    Is Deep Space Travel Possible

  • 10 years ago

    Read Stephen Hawking's book.

    Yes, it may reach out 2-4 light years distant.

  • Irv S
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    'Ever' is a loooooong time.

    In the forseeable future, no.

    Current technology can just barely forsee a 'generation ship' type voyage,

    accelerated and decelerated by planetary passes and solar sails, possibly

    with bussard ramjet/nuclear power for the mid-stage, but no good reason for doing it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Only if we stop spending all our money on war. With all the cuts at NASA the future of space travel isn't looking hopeful as it used to

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If they stop spending money on wars. Isnt that not a bad thing? If i was obama id give all funds to nasa. You never no what they could acheive.

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