How can I get rid of stinky feet?

I suffered from stinky feet ever since puberty and despite trying every possible solution, my feet still smell funky today. I recently discovered that many of my family members suffer from excessive sweating to the point where they wet their shirts after exerting themselves. I figure I also inherited the excessive sweating trait, but instead of soaking my shirt, my feet soak instead. For example, when I remove my shoes after work, in which I am often on my feet for over 10 hours, my shoes and socks are like literally soaked in sweat like somebody poured a glass of water in my shoes while I wore them. The same thing even happens when I wear my house shoes at home because I excessively sweat in those too. Of course, the excessive amount of sweat makes them stink like crazy. Because of this, I'm usually embarrassed to remove my shoes around other people, especially strangers, and even more especially attractive men. I tried foot powder, but the sweat drowns it out. I tried foot deodorant, but my sole skin is too sensitive to most brands and the brands that my feet can sustain are eventually overpowered. Don't get me wrong. I am hygienic, bathe daily, and wear clean socks, but the problem isn't with me being clean or not; the problem is with excessive sweating. Thus, what can I do to stop this excessive foot sweating without having doctors inject anything in my feet?



Pauly W2015-02-28T09:14:03Z

I have the same problem and I am 42. But I don't wear socks in my sneakers (don't like to wear socks) also when I wear my Teva sport sandals they also make my feet stink. What I do (you can try this idea) is I rotate my shoes or sandals (don't wear the same pair 2 days in a row) and once I take them off at the end of the day I let them dry out for at least 48 hours before I put them back on my feet. There is a certain spray you can use to spray your shoes to help kill the odor, but it takes a good 2 days for the spray to dry out. The spray may work out,


That's a "mighty" terrible problem to have Patrisha..only advice I have would to be consult with a doctor..


What a relief! I haven't been sweating as much as I did for more than 3 months now.
I have thrown all my antiperspirants straight into the trash. Who would have thought it was so simple to eliminate excessive sweating, all without prescription medications...

* Excessive sweating occurs without such triggers. Persons with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands. The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physical and emotional. When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet, and armpits, it is called primary or focal hyperhidrosis. In most cases, no cause can be found. It seems to run in families.

If the sweating occurs as a result of another medical condition, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis. The sweating may be all over the body or it may be in one area.

* Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest. Sweating helps the body stay cool. In most cases, it is perfectly natural. People sweat more in warm temperatures, when they exercise, or in response to situations that make them nervous, angry, embarrassed, or afraid.



Might be athlete's foot. Soaking in Chinese tea may help. I'm not kidding.