Why do crazy people cut fetuses out of pregnant mothers stomachs? What is the correct diagnosis? Mentally ill?


Favorite Answer

The correct diagnosis is desperate. You might find this article helpful, although it is older and there have been several more cases since it was written: http://www.bgdailynews.com/news/fetal-abductions-eerily-similar/article_83e5f5bc-243c-5357-8de7-85a2ee363689.html


That story (the asker is referring to something that happened in Colorado this week) is absolutely terrible. She has to have some extreme mental health conditions and just a cruel, heartless person.


Notice how you said fetus and not a child? Because a child is a living breathing thing but a fetus is no more alive than sperm.

There is no need to wait till the fetus becomes a child if the woman is not ready for it. If she waits too long and then has the kid and perhaps is 16 years old, or poor or both. It could ruin her life.

So why destroy a life for the sake of something that is not even alive? It makes no sense.