Is it true that male cats smell more?


An unneutered male does smell.

• Rich Coco •2015-06-11T18:51:48Z

The tricky thing with male cats is that if you don't neuter them in time, they can spray your house with urine, for marking territory. I've heard even if you do get them neutered, they'll do it every four months, although I'm not 100% sure this is true. If you neuter them in time, there really is no problem.

Susan M2015-06-11T17:09:50Z

The urine of male cats smells more and they have a tendancy to mark territory with urine. Neutering and keeping the cat in and protecting your area from outside cats will allow a cat to live peacefully in the house. Females will spray if they feel threatened. Any cat will.

Lazey W2015-06-11T17:37:49Z

Not if they're healthy and neutered.

Intact tomcat urine really reeks.