What sickness have I come down with?

Hi there!
So I ve felt sick today and I was wondering what I ve come down with if anything at all. My symptoms are:

-Chilly throughout my entire body
-A bit sniffly
-Sore throat (only in the morning)
-Aching in my left leg/foot
-Light headache
-Nauseous on the point of vomiting
-Little energy/very tired and sleepy

I d really appreciate it if someone could help me out and tell me what sickness I have? Or do I have allergies?

Thanks a bunch! :)

I Am A Stranger Here2015-06-15T23:47:10Z

Have you had allergies before?

To me, this would be flulike symptoms. About as vague as it gets. Without more information (age, sex, medical history, location) it could be anything from the flu all the way up. And, this includes pregnancy. Not very helpful, huh?

If it doesn't hit you like a ton of bricks, and goes away soon, it could be a cold. Could be an allergy to a sting. The sore throat and stuffy nose could be airborne allergies. Or, it could be a combination of things. For example, you could have the flu a man was stubbing your foot.

Do you have a temperature? If so, what is it? Any injuries to the leg? Are you sitting in front of an air conditioner? Are you pregnant? Are you sleeping well, especially the temperatures during the summer.


No one can diagnose a disease or your medical-anxiety disorder.

If you have a sore throat only in the morning, it's possible you are sleeping with the windows open and are being exposed to allergens OR you are sleeping with your mouth open.

Your symptoms could be allergies, so you can try an antihistime to see if that works.


Probably just a rough cold, though I don't know why your leg would be aching, maybe for some other reason


Fever or flu