How to pull an ALL nighter?

How to pull an ALL nighter? I know it's not the best idea, but hey! It's part of summer time and I'm doing it for July 4th. (I want it tonight because doing it on what would be a school night adds fun, but I need to go back to routine next week.) Anyway, I don't know if I can drink caffine because we don't have any right now. I tried to take a nap, but I'm not really a napper so no luck there. I won't do too much to tire me and I'll be on electronics to keep me awake. How else can I keep myself awake?


Favorite Answer

Try getting enough sleep the night before. Then stay active and moving around. Avoid your bed so you won't be tempted to eat and eating junk food should keep you awake


Just rely on electronics and caffiene.