John Kerry didn't ask for any hostages to be released, and now it's come to light that the Iranians will inspect themselves.?

Are you liberals happy about this? Is Obama that desperate for some sort of legacy that he'll approve this nuclear deal?


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What is amazing is the left wing liberals that answered this question and condemned America for it's actions. Do they hate America that much? The idea that the Iranians will inspect any part of the nuke sites by themselves is beyond stupid. This deal is already being violated with the Russians agreeing to sell missiles to Iran. The hostages were not important to Obama and only the idea of having some kind of deal is important to him for his so called legacy. Just as bill clinton made a deal with north korea that they soon violated Iran will violate this deal and get a nuke and then they will use it. They are that bat sh1t crazy.


Does sound a bit suspicious, eh? That guy Kerry is a real deal-maker, eh? I don't think I'd want him and his boss making deals for me.

Iranians inspecting themselves is laughable - but appears to be the case.


Well we don't know. And I don't think you know exactly what happened in those meetings either. The 47 that sent the dreaded letter may know even less. If you tell them everything they run tell everything. Sometimes, Especially, when you realize who you are dealing with, Its best to stay silent around them.


Yep. Why don't I get to do my auto safety inspection myself? That should be good.


Just like his 3 purple hearts. Kerry wrote his own paperwork up.
And had some dufus drunk Navy Capt, He knew to sign off on them.
Thats what you get from Team Kerry and Obama. LIE CHEAT and

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