My neighbour's kid decided to use MY garden brick wall (they have a chain link fence) as a personal football practice - what are my rights?


How is somebody using your garden brick wall for football practice? Why do you have a problem with whatever they're doing? Are they damaging the wall? Are they keeping you up in the middle of the night? What?

You have the right to go talk to the kids' parents and ask them to stop. You have the right to ask they pay for anything he's damaged.


Who the f*uck cares? Don't be that grinchey a**hole neighbor that everybody hates, who goes around sneakily snitching on their community members.

As long as he isn't doing it early morning or at night, and it isn't interfering with your life, let him do it! It's helping a neighbor out (literally), he will be happy and if he plays football- QB at the local high school, you can gain some friends that way! IE- "I let that boy use my brick wall as a practice for throwing, it's part of how he got so good!" Then everybody will tell you how you're such a cool neighbor etc

Don't be the depressed brooding lurking neighbor who picks fights. Nobody likes that neighbor man

If it were to actually damage your plants, that's one thing. 99% of problems can be avoided or talked through, if you just go up to him and have a conversation like a human being


Appreciate what you say Charles, but no, he literally goes AWAY from his own garden to play in mine. Kicking the football MY way . I might add this is a culdesac and there is a HUGE park 60 seconds walk away and the kid is about 16!


There's a woman 1000 miles away that has been making me a punching bag and I have been begging spiritually (8 Years) for some one to stop her ..But no ones there .Your rights are small claims for repairs ..

Artemis Agrotera2015-09-27T21:55:57Z

To politely ask the kid to play somewhere else.

To politely tell his parents what he was doing.