If college becomes free for everyone who desires to attend, then who is paying?

We all know there's not one material thing that is free.
Christ's love is at the top of the free list, and that list
is very short. someone has to pay up and it's usually
from taxes (and that means we citizens will pay up).
What say you? Sounds too good to be true for those
who plan on attending college, but if it sounds too
good, it probably is.


Favorite Answer

Look at healthcare. Free healthcare for all means those you can pay end up paying more. The same will happen if free college is approved.


Even if college becomes free, one will still pay for it through taxes. Just look at the countries who have free higher education. They have to pay higher taxes. So it isn't exactly free since someone has to pay for it.


Check your facts. . . decades ago many college educations were free, or nearly free.
Besides a majority of taxes (state and federal) go to education. . . why not allow it to actually go towards tuition besides it being towards the hierarchy of government educational officials who really do nothing besides sit at their desks and collect paychecks.