Why is it that people think indoor cats cannot get fleas?


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Because they're indoors and they themselves dont have contact with the 'outside world' people feel that they cant get fleas not realizing that they can bring them in on their clothes.

For the record i didnt treat my cats at all this year, during the summer while at home they were in constant contact with our farm dog that was always in an out of the house and they never got them. Mind you the dog was treated monthly and i'm not saying it wasnt possible for them to get them. I consider myself quite lucky actually.


I'm not stupid enough to think that bugs never come in my house. The spiders I see tell me differently.

That said, I'm 47 and have had cats my entire adult life. I currently have 5. None of my cats over the years have had a single flea. Being indoors (and not having dogs) greatly reduces their chances of getting them. And yes, my house is clean.


Fleas come from the outdoors it's a very unlikely chance to get them if you have all indoor pets but if you have a dog and you take him/her out it is more likely for your cat to get fleas because the dog would be bringing them in


Well they're far less LIKELY to get fleas since they're not picking them up from outdoors. My own cats have NEVER had fleas because I keep my dog on Frontline so he doesn't bring them in. I also don't have filthy friends with flea-infested homes so there's no chance of me bringing home fleas on my pant legs.

If this is an argument about how cats should be allowed to roam obviously that's nonsense http://www.littlebigcat.com/health/indoors-or-outdoors/


Our older Ocicat Saphira (my avatar) has been with us almost four years, and out little Oci girl Viola almost three. Both are totally indoor kitties and so far they have had zero fleas. Both often nap in our bed and always sleep there, and we would have noticed any fleas by now. Note that we have no other animals that go outside and might bring fleas in from outside.

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