Today is election day in the US. Did you vote? What was on the ballot in your region?
My state has an amendment process that is different from but similar to an initiative process. There were several amendments to vote on.
We had bond issues at state, county and city levels.
We had town council elections.
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Yes..... can't keep me away. We vote by mail - and it's been so successful that they've closed a lot of the polling places around. If you want to "go vote", you probably have to go to the court house or library now.
So I voted about 2 weeks ago - and we only had two school bonds and one elected office to fill.
No I did not because nothing that was anything I knew much about was on the ballot and school board elections were the only people running and a sheriff race.
Here in Orlando, we have a mayoral election. One of the people on the ballot is named "Sunshine Grund" the Sunshine State...not kidding. Personally, I voted for Paul Paulson.
We had two Commissioner seats up for grabs (District 4 and District 6, neither are my District)
Did you even read the full question?? she asked if I could drive and then she laughed and sneered when I couldn't. then she was rude and humiliated me in front of customers. so yes she was being horrible to me. how about you are ugly and unintelligent? don't take offence, dude, I'm just being a bit impolite :)