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If a soldier casts an absentee ballot then gets blown up before election day,should his vote still be counted?


Sorry for the lack of tact but the questions are limited to many letters and sometimes there just isn't enough room to be more respectful.

Update 2:

Sorry for the lack of tact but the questions are limited to so many letters and sometimes there just isn't enough room to be more respectful.

Update 3:

In South Dakota, for example, "if an absentee voter dies prior to the election, then her ballot is never opened."

42 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Dead people don't get to vote. That's the epitome of dirty politics, as made famous by the Democratic machine of Chicago in days gone by. Literally, if someone wants to comment on how corrupt or dirty politics is, they will make reference to counting the votes of dead people.

    If I express in my will not only a lifelong, but eternal devotion to the Democratic party, and declare that it is my wish to continue to pull the party-line lever on to perpetuity, does that mean my dead vote gets to count until the end of time, simply because I expressed that preference before I passed?

    Of course not.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, I would like to say that this is a very strange question to ask. At some point, if you could, I would like for you to email me and state the reasoning behind this question. That being said...

    When talking about an active combat soldier in the U.S. armed forces, I think we have to automatically give a certain amount of respect. These soldiers are in a position to see things on a daily basis that the rest of the country gets news headlines of. It is also important to remember that, while we are choosing the leader of our country, servicemen and women are actually choosing their commander in chief. I am of the thinking that they know way more than we civilians do about who is best suited to command them.

    I almost agree with what a previous answer stated. I almost think that it should count twice as much as a civilian. They are not only choosing the leader of their country but the leader of their service arena. The fact that they were "blown up", as you so crassly stated, does not mean that their vote does not count. It simple means that they are no longer able to benefit from it. Whether your, or their, views support or denounce war, they are doing what they were commanded to do. You can hardly fault them for that.

    Again, I have to say that the reasoning for your question is really intriguing to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That depends who is president at the time of the election. Since the GOP doesn't care what our servicemen are thinking or feeling, I think they would try to disqualify the ballot- especially if the election is close and it is a vote against the status quo.

    In a just society, yes it would count. But when was the last time we were one of those?

  • 1 decade ago

    If a guy casts his vote by absentee ballot and then gets shot by another crack dealer in a drive-by, should his vote count?

    Where do these insensitive questions come from?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's an ugly question. I don't know what the election laws say about someone dying after their absentee ballot is cast.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    There really wouldn't be any way to know which vote belonged to the soldier. But that's a really good question.

    But you know, LBJ would have never one if it weren't for the votes of dead folks in South Texas.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, because he cast that vote prior to his death. Anyone who is serving our country DESERVES to have their vote counted and especially if the ultimate sacrifie was made. They had already made their wishes known with that vote.

    And yeah your choice of words with this question were pretty harsh

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. The ballot was sent while he was alive. It is much like anyone voting and dying before the votes are counted.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think so. He did it while he was yet alive. That's just like us going to the polls to vote and on our way home we die in an accident'..... do you think your vote should still count?

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