is there a way to shut off these annoying ads that interfere with posting and viewing posts on Answers?


Install AdBlock.


How would Yahoo get paid if you they didn't have ads? You think they actually VALUE your input? No, you are nothing more than a product that is SUPPOSED TO view ads so they can get paid for this lousy place. That's why there are no admins, they only are about ad revenue.

Son of T32015-12-04T21:03:07Z

Not within Yahoo since those ads are what keeps YA free. You must add a separate ad blocker software package.


No. To use answers at all you are under the Terms of Service, which is specific about ads in section 2. Also they are aware of ad block and will not allow you access in some cases if you install it.


Yahoo provides users with access to a rich collection of resources, including without limitation various communications tools, forums, shopping services, search services, personalized content and branded programming through its network of properties which may be accessed through any various medium or device now known or hereafter developed (the "Yahoo Services"). You also understand and agree that the Yahoo Services may include advertisements and that these advertisements are necessary for Yahoo to provide the Yahoo Services.


Yes. Install an ad blocker to your browser.

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