Why does my cat randomly steal and then guard things?

A few days ago he took my purse and wouldn't let me have it back, he kept scratching at me if I went for and I had to wait till he left to get it back.

And then yesterday he randomly laid on top of a 2L bottle of Pepsi Max and clawed at me each time I went to get that.

He just randomly picks things to guard and won't let you have them back until he finally decides to walk off.

Why does he do this?


Favorite Answer

There are many reasons for this behavior but it often has to do with a need for attention. If this is a sudden change think back to determine if anything changed in the cat's life. A new boyfriend, a new baby, a new job or anything that your cat has perceived as taking time and affection away from him. If this is not the case then consider that he may be sick as cats often have abrupt changes in behavior when they become sick including having parasites. I would recommend a vet visit if you think he could be sick. I wish I could give you a definite answer but such issues are never cut and dry.
Best Wishes to Both of You


Cat is an animal and its has its own instincts.