I think I might have had a splinter. I'm not sure though, so can you help?

Okay, so awhile ago I was cleaning up cover slips for a microscope. These are VERY thin and several broke whole picking them up. I felt something poke my finger but didn't pay much attention, because I looked and couldn't see anything. A week or so later, the area where it was poked has a callous like area on it, but it's on my fingerprint area. It doesnt hurt unless you press it hard and I can't see any splinter, but it sort of feels like there may be one under it. I'm a huge hypochondriac, so even though it's nothing I'm panicky anyway (and I am terrified of doctors, so can you try to help me out here?) Thank you so much :)


Favorite Answer

Yes. But don't freak your body is healing it. That's why the Callus formed. It will work it's way out of your hand within week or two max. No need to fiddle with this unless you enjoy digging around in your finger with a needle. I was so relieved when someone told me this and it's absolutely true. If it goes deep lt it works it way out.