Armchair Goddess #1
Favorite Answer
What is the need to denigrate people you do not even know?
There are many types of people who claim to be "Christians," just as there are many different versions of Christianity. My preference is metaphysics, with "meta" meaning "beyond"...and more specifically, the Unity Church headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri (or more accurately, in Lee's Summit) at Unity Village. This branch of Christianity believes that there is "only one Presence and one Power, God, the Good, Omnipotent." Everything works for good, in other words---and that includes all peoples of the earth, all events, all situations...they are all expressions of Divine Being (a.k.a, Omnipotent Good). In this faith, the concept of Jesus is as a parable of Truth (principle).
Biblical literalist "Christians" (or teabag Republican fundamentalists) do tend to be blind and deaf to universal truth. Being homeschooled from infancy with only a literal interpretation of the Bible (Buy-Bull, if taken literally) as their base text, these brainwashed generations are groomed by the theocratic-COUP-seeking religious-freak extremists in control of the GOP to be dutiful minions following the leaders who are leading them astray (see zeitgeistthemovie). Only some fit your profile.
You are following someone, likely don't even know it.
Joseph the Second
Why do You Ask ? -Have They been Ignoring You ?! :)
Hunter. ✞
you just described the liberal base.