How would you answer this job interview question?

Blowed a job interview :( . One of the unexpected question is this:

"How do you prepare this interview?"


PS: The interviewer was actually asked this question. I am looking for an answer of how to answer this question. Should I tell them everything I actually did? or tell them different thing?

An actual answer of how to phrase the answer would be nice.

Trivial One2016-04-07T11:48:37Z

You shouldn't just say these things, you should actually do them when preparing for an interview:
1. research the company
2. read over the job ad to be as familiar as possible with what the job is
3. identified your qualifications for the job
4. considered your level of interest in the job


I looked up the company on the internet and read some history and your mission statement.
You should do it.
I blew a job interview with Tommy Hilfiger because I showed up in Ralph Lauren. Didn't think.

Ashley M2016-04-07T12:44:11Z

I always read up on the places that are interviewing me. I look at their websites, their facebook page, their twitter feed, whatever they have.