neighbor's bully cat keeps attacking my cat, should i take legal action?
my neighbors' cat and my cat have never liked each other, ever since I got my cat (he was a kitten but is 1 year old now) I've always found him crying and cornered by my neighbors' cat. The "bully cat" has really given my cat a beating, and cost me over $300 in vet bills. Today I took my cat to the vet for a huge abscess and when we got back I was really fed up so I went and i confronted my neighbors. I showed them pictures of all the wounds and asked for them to watch their cat or at least not let him out as much. She said there was nothing she could do as she has a second cat (that is really friendly and not a nuisance like the other one) who also likes to go outside, and they use the same cat door.
I know that there are legal steps I can take but I don't think it's a good idea to make an enemy out of my neighbor as I plan on living here for at least another 8 years. What should I do?