Patrick B
The store will cover your medical expenses.
If you attempt to sue, they'll send their lawyers and you'll be unlikely to get anything. You'd need to prove negligence on their part (that they were aware of the spill and did not attempt to clean it up) and that you were unable to avoid it (you couldn't see the juice, or it was the only way to get out of the store). Since it's unlikely that you could prove those things, you'd lose.
This is not a payday for you. You will not make money from this or any other type of profit.
You can sue for your injuries, medical expenses, and loss of income.
Some responsible companies might have their insurance contacting you to settle the matter without going to court, but read everything and consult with an attorney before signing any agreement.
1) You wont get rich over this.
2) You wont get compensated for missing that "big dance performance" unless you are in fact one of the paid performers.
Sue the supermarket
my friend took pictures. what do I do now I am going to miss out on a big dance performance because of thsi
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