Is it really that bad working as a server at restaurants?

I m thinking of applying to some restaurants near me that are hiring servers. I m a college student and have some customer service experience. I thought that since I m having trouble finding positions elsewhere, at least working as a server would give me some more experience multitasking. I m been told its not a good idea and that it would be hard. What do you guys think?


Also, if you have experience working as a server, please include that.


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I never worked as a server but, it can be hard work. Lots of people do it and attend college at the same time. I'm sure you can manage it, as well.


Customers are horrible to you, even try to rip you off with phoney complaints, swear, act like you are their slave, etc. If you have a thick skin then you'd be fine.


perfect, don't listen to others, judge for yourself.