There are 3 questions that I have to answer to get into this arts school that I want to go to for drawing. EACH QUESTION HAS AN 150 WORD LIMIT 1. What impact do you see academics and the fine arts having on your daily life?
2. How do you believe attending BridgePrep Academy of Arts & Minds will benefit you?
3. Where do you see yourself four years from now? (Btw I wanna be an art historian and get a bachelor in arts, but make some other **** up)
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tbh they will want you to anwer these in your own words so getting some one els to will do no good. some ideas tho might help: What impact do you see academics and the fine arts having on your daily life? lack of sleep, hanging out with friends so you can work on your job ( arts) How do you believe attending BridgePrep Academy of Arts & Minds will benefit you? help you with your dreams of being a artist, getting your dream job.... Where do you see yourself four years from now? depents on where you are now, maybe with a good job, teaching others about arts, tbh you should think about them a bit more, cuz the questions are about you and your life. so think about for a little while, maybe phone your family/friends (parents, sibling, girlfriend,bestfriend) and get their thoughts on this cuz their in your life and should get a say in your life. unless you've chosen to shut them out of you life for what ever resons. hope this helps a little. (sorry for all the spelling,) good luck :)