Are you obsessed with race?


And I ask this because I've noticed a lot of people endlessly talking about preserving their race and protecting their heritage, and that they're going to do so by promoting the end of race-mixing or something strange like that. I'm not that concerned since it's just a bunch of people on the Internet going nuts, and even though I'm mixed myself (Black-Mestizo), I'm not really that bothered by the repetitive lines of argumentation these people have, but I'm nonetheless pretty curious.


Only blacks are obsessed with race. It's due to insecurity and their lack of culture.


Racing on an athletics track, yes

Hard Core Misogynist2016-10-31T19:18:38Z


     Puяse     2016-10-31T19:12:10Z

No. I'm not a brain dead alt-right Nationalist — or an authoritarian leftist.


No, but it amuses me to answer questions that pertain to race.

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