Timing questions?

We have a 17 month old and have just happened across early learning and have finished Domans how to read book.

We would love to do at least reading and maths to start with.

I know that sessions for reading have to be at least 15 min apart, but my question is do all sessions have to be 15min apart, or can you do a reading and math set back to back.

It all seems a little overwhelming at the moment, but it may be one of those things where you have to dive in and see what happens


Favorite Answer

The best way to teach a child how to read is to read a story with him/her. Then read the same story again with your finger beneath each word as you read. If the child asks about a word you point it out. As for math begin with the nursery rhymes like 3 little pigs. Use fingers and toes for counting then go on to other common household objects.


17 months isn't developmentally appropriate to push academics. This is the time they need to be exploring their environment. They'll do their best learning through exploration and play. Don't rush the academics or they'll just grow to hate school and learning.