Is it bad to take 2 showers per day if they're cold?

I've started taking cold showers as I've heard that they are so much healthier for you. Is it okay to take one in the morning to wake my *** up and then one at night to put me to sleep? I have trouble waking up in the morning and falling asleep at night, I'm a bit of a night owl. So how should I go about taking two a day and is it okay?


You should take a cold shower in the morning and a hot shower at night just before bed time


Nothing wrong with taking a cool shower twice a day-- if you use shampoo and soap at night you could forego doing that in the morning since you'd still be clean.


unless you have a heart condition then it is probably ok althought i would suggest a warm or hot shower and a cold shower per day the heat is needed for hygeine but once a day cold no problem unless you have a medical condition that would be aggravated


There is no harm in taking multiple showers each day; hot, warm or cold.

You really ought to shower both morning and evening and also, of course, immediately after gym, sport or swimming. It is a good idea also to shower before sex and also directly after both sex and masturbation so as not to leave semen on your penis ll night.


1 shower a day is enough. Taking 2 showers a day is a waste of time

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