Starbucks has promised to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees. Black Rifle Coffee has promised to hire 10,000 veterans. Who do you support?

When Starbucks said they would hire Syrian refugees, Black Rifle Coffee responded by saying they will hire 10,000 veterans. I say men and women who have fought and spilled their blood for us to be able to come here and rant deserve to be taken care of first.


Never heard of Black Rifle Coffee in my life. Ever.



I was wrong once2017-02-09T03:20:26Z

Starbucks has already hired thousands of veterans. This whole issue is f@cking stupid and you people are just fools to buy into any of it.

D J2017-02-09T03:19:47Z

Black Rifle Coffee!


I like Starbucks, but I also like that they hire a mix of friendly people. I would not enjoy my coffee with a Syrian refugee serving me who is not allowed by her husband to make eye contact. Jusy saying...

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