Which University has a strong relationship with Japan/ Japanese university?
I very interested in learning jpanese in college (though not as a major as i think its unwise career wise) And i was wondering which schools have very strong ties to japan interms of exchange opportunities/ study abroad language support or even job support?
I would pick the school with the skill you want. If that school does not have a strong Japanese program, you can always study abroad in Japan through a school that does and transfer the credits back to your school. Your State university might have a good program - if you are going to a private school you could go abroad with your State school program and transfer it. You'd save a lot of money too. I studied in France and that is what some people did. Majoring or minoring in Japanese makes sense if you are going to use it. All this being said - check out the university of Washington in Seattle. There is a big Japanese community in Seattle. It is the closest American port to Japan besides Hawaii. And yes - I'd check schools in Hawaii too because of the big Japanese community there also.