I have a lot of 10 security cameras. none appear to be working. Am I doing something wrong or do I have 10 dead cameras?


I have tried them with different sources. Security DVR (BNC) and a TV (RCA). Am I missing something simple?


Are they branded name? Sell it to Adorama.com for quotes---they buy photo equipments no matter how terrible it malfunctioned. They may consider your lot----Then buy a NEW low priced security cam set from them----


If all else fails, get in-person help from a local expert.

(A TV repair shop comes to mind...)


The odds of having 10 dead cameras is highly unlikely. So, yes, you're doing something wrong.


What species of security camera are they? What does the manual say about setting them up?

Daniel K2017-06-01T14:16:47Z

The chances that all of them are dead is pretty slim. Take one down and power it from a proper power supply (24VAC?) and connect it directly to a TV. If that one works then you have some other issue with the others.

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