What are the odds the DNC will allow Sanders, who will be 79 in 2020, run as their candidate in 4 years?

He was the most popular Democrat by far in 2016 but the DNC gave the nomination to Hillary so what are the odds they are going to give him the nod in 2020? Between slim and none and slim just left town. Trump and Clinton were too old and Sanders is even older than they are. When is this going to end? Will Betty White be Bernie's running mate?


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They don't have ANYONE, They are trying to recruit a Military guy. Hillary destroyed that Party. Liberals should quit whining and deal with their Party.


I would vote for Bernie again if he ran in 2020, but I think its more likely that he will not and instead be pushing for Keith Ellison to run for president


I'm a Sanders man myself, and he definitely was not the most popular Democrat. Clinton beat him in the popular vote almost as badly as she beat Trump.


Look, Democrats have been using the votes from DEAD PEOPLE for decades. What's to say they won't elect a DEAD man as President?


They didn't let him run last time.

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