My cat was in a fight and his face is swollen on one side to the eye being closed. Can I use neosporin on it until I get him vetted?

I can take him in the morning.


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(Caveat: my experience is more with injuries on horses, not cats.)

Neosporin is petroleum based, and will be difficult for the vet to wash out to examine the wound. If you're able to get him to a vet tomorrow, you're better off just washing out the wound with water (gently). If you can get Betadine scrub or solution, great; otherwise, just stick with water. (Don't get Betadine in his eye.)

There are water soluble antiseptic products available for veterinary use - but you probably don't have any at home.


Use a hot water compress on his face. It may relieve some pain and help drain any infection. If you see the scratch or bite mark and can clean it, then use the neosporin.


Clap, clap clap; Congratulations you are the winner of this week's "I suck as a pet owner" award. For letting you cat roam, getting hurt in the process, and not getting it care when it needs it. Cherish it while your cat suffers and one day dies because of your negligence and incompetence.


Thank you all for your input. The Neo was all I had for any kind of infection for myself
and was in a bit of a panic. Thanks, will vet the little guy tomorrow morning!


Don't touch it, and get the cat to the vet first thing. if the wound is swollen, it means there is infection and it will get worse. Cat bites are dangerous because the cats teeth are so fine, the hole closes up immediately and infection is held inside and forms an abcess.. make sure you get the cat treated first thing tomorrow

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