If everyone goin to Heaven what will happen to the Earth?


It is certain that not everyone will go to Heaven. Only for those who have been born again, who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior. The earth will be burned up, as through fire and a New Earth will take it's place. What will that New Earth be like? We don't know, but it will be exciting to find out.


Heaven is a waiting area, until the new heavens and the new earth are made.

The earths population continues to grow larger, people die and more people are born, so your wondering how will everyone fit on this new earth? Probably the new earth will be much larger than the old one we live on. Now, on this new earth we will have spiritual body similar to the one Adam and Eve had before they sinned. When Jesus rose from the dead he had a spiritual body, yet it was solid, just like ours. You too will have this same type of body, and will no longer have sickness or death.


Psalm 37:29
29 The righteous will possess the earth,
And they will live forever on it.


It will no longer exist one day.


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