Are Angels real? Can they help us? Do we all have Guardian Angels?


Yes the angels are very real. Revelation 5:11 says: I heard a voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was myriads of myriads thousands of thousands. The Bible does not teach that each individual has a guardian angel. Jesus did say the angels take an active interest in each of his disciples. Angels have a long history of helping faithful people. We have the account at Daniel 6:16,22 that shows God sent his angels to shut the mouth of lions.


No. man made myth. And they certainly don't have chicken feather wings. Bizarre they are shown with wings since no angel in the bible is identified as having wings.


Yes they do help true Born Again Christians, whenever commanded by God.


How to be sure of being saved or going to Heaven?

1) Believe in the One True God(Father, Spirit, Son) and accept Christ ALONE(not self-righteousness, not Mary, not Saints, not religion, not sacraments) as your personal savior.

2) You have a new heart and new desires. A truly Born-Again believer is a new creation and will have the natural desire to love God and hate sin. They will be extremely sorry when they sin.



I saw one today. It was this white puffy thing in the sky.

The White Rabbit2017-09-09T12:09:43Z

No. Angels, like gods, are nonsense.

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