How can you tell someone downshifts?

This has been bothering me for a while, now...
I couple years ago I bought a new car and traded in the old one. It was a 5-speed with a crap ton of milage.
The dealership manager guy had to check the old car out to estimate its value, so he got in and turned it on; didn't drive it anywhere.
When he came back into the office, I overheard him say to another employee "This guy down-shifts a lot..." which is true.

But how could he tell that? Can you just feel it in the synchros or something?
Moreover, he said it with a tone like it was a bad thing. Is it bad for the car or something?

Dan B2017-10-19T17:46:10Z

Favorite Answer

Down shifting is the proper way to slow a manual transmission car. This guy purposely said it so that you can hear it for a reason. Puts you on a guilt trip in preparation for low-balling your trade-in.


The second gear synchro is badly worn - it is always the one that takes the biggest hit. It is easy to spot even sitting still - depress the clutch (engine running) and see how easily it engages second gear.

The Devil2017-10-19T23:45:06Z

All your synchros are raggedy and don't shift smoothly.


When they slow down d ickhead.


He couldn't.

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