Could somebody please critique this poem?

"On a Christmas Card"

On X-mas day we celebrate
that sweet nativity of X''s,
whom jealousy's god's son we rate,
knew neither girl gods nor sex's.
For merciful forgiveness, though,
compassionating empathy,
he was no slouch - and so
in all our pantheons he'll be
with those love-gods we venerate
with maybe readier devotion -
mad votaries DO take the notion.

Battle axe2017-12-03T15:42:04Z

Favorite Answer

it is good as is for what it is
Merry Greek mas ya geek mas

but maybe Capitalize He'll

For Xmas maybe on X mas
since X is greek letter but you knew that:)
it also roman numeral for 10 lost tribes

and on a side note as you may know
five greek letters
Iota Chi THeta Upsilon Sigma Final
all fit together
and form the little fish sign
or within that little fish are five letters

Jesus Christ Gods Son Savior
ichthus in greek pantheon is fish
I-ota CH-i TH-eta U-psilon S-igma

Lapiz Dominoes2017-12-04T11:41:20Z

I like the perception of the xhrist as part of a pantheon
......and hereby declare you this December`s `Gods Champion`,
our personal poetic
`Christmas Champion of The Pantheon`!


Two possessives in a row make it unique.