Don't you wish you get as comfortable as your cat when you sleep?


Don't you wish you COULD get......


Favorite Answer

Are you kidding? My cats learned how to sleep from me, LOL. :) My husband constantly jokes that he married a house cat. I sleep like a rock, in any position, cats on top of me, husband's leg across my stomach...doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Pearl L2018-01-23T02:43:38Z

definitely, except i dont have a cat but ive thought of getting one


No. I have to share the bed with two of the cats. With my husband and them sleeping comfortably, there is hardly room for me.

Edit: I misread it. Yes, I do wish..


Of course, yes.


I wish I could sleep like my cat. She's so calm and doesn't have a care in the world when I have to get up for college in the morning. Lucky them huh