Am I being used..? Dating advice?

I’m a 24 year old closeted guy. In February of this year (2018) I began to see a 40 year old man. At first it was just for sex. Then it got deeper. I fell in love with him but he doesn’t feel the same way. He tells me that he has feelings for me, but won’t act on them. He says he had a traumatic relationship before and isn’t ready for a relationship or even an exclusive one. And now I feel like I’m being used because I know he still is seeing (having sex with) other men. I tell him and he just says “I’ve told you before I’m not going to begin a relationship with you”.
I’d just like some advice on this.
Please no judging. Thanks


look like !


If you're enjoying the sex then you're not being "used". But if your goal is marriage and/or a settled domestic relationship you're not going to find it with this man.


YES - Groomed and being used as a semen disposal bucket.


He told you, "I’ve told you before I’m not going to begin a relationship with you”.
He isn't using you, he's abiding by what he said.
If you still want to see him you have to accept those terms, otherwise move on.


despite my feelings about men with men he has been honest with you. if it was a girl writing the advice would be to leave the relationship. take that advice. there is a song 'breaking up is hard to do' but must be better than a lifetime of misery

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