Will the numbness in my jaw go down?

I was recently in a car accident and the airbag broke my jaw in 3 places and I cannot feel the right side of my face because it is so numb. Will I regain feeling when I get jaw surgery or do I have nerve damage? How long should it take to regain feeling.

rock of ages2018-12-12T19:57:23Z

Favorite Answer

I also was in a car accident when I was 14 it broke my jaw in three places and shoved my bottom teeth to the back of my mouth. I had to work with corks to get my mouth to open wide enough to eat. I was on liquids for a while though. The numbness should go away. But as I have gotten older I now have temporomandibular disorder or TMJ for short because my jaw was broken. It will take a while to get back to a normal feeling.


After any injury it can take a long time for the nerves to return to normal.
After my knee replacement part of my leg was numb for 3 months.
Have patience it will return.

Diane A2018-12-12T19:38:17Z

numbness is nerve damage. that is something to ask your surgeon, it may take months or it may never return. everyone is unique. ask if they can repair the nerve


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