5.6 Billion for the border wall?

How did Trump come up with asking 5.6 billion dollars for the border wall? Did someone actually do some kind of analysis of labor, time, construction materials and length of the wall? There may not really be an answer to this.

Philip H2019-01-06T19:46:40Z

Favorite Answer

Trump has considered several proposals. Not all cost the same. That $5.6 billion is likely an amount needed to get off to a good start and more will be required later.
Personally I prefer to move forward quickly but no plan should set in stone. We will learn what works from experience and we need to adjust accordingly.
Consider the Fact that in any "combat" situation, whatever you're planning, the "enemy" is also planning a way to deal with whatever you do. No plan wil will work absolutely so learning as you go just makes good sense.
Build walls where logical, which makes sense for Most of that border. Wait and see how the criminal element responds. The wall will help control the non-criminals and make the remaining job much easier. Seeing how the criminals react will determine what future steps will be required.


He's probably going to hide most of that somewhere in his pockets for later.


absolutely in fact take all that money they are sending of our tax dollars to other countries and put it towards Full border security, shut the border down


Like many other things, Trump just assumed that.


Its easy. He knows the wall will cost $1 million and the rest will end up in his, Ivanka, Don Jr., Kushner bank accounts!

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