I used to be quite religious and thought god would help me with everything, but recently I question a lot of what I never used to think about. An example would be that two gay people love each other and spend their whole lives living happily and spreading their love, yet, they’re commiting sin? It doesn’t make sense, and while I want god to be real, I just can’t accept the teachings of the church on a lot of matters
It's a really good thing to question some of the tenets of your faith, (any faith), to see if they stand up under scrutiny. It doesn't mean that ultimately you have to give up your belief in a creator god. You can quite easily fall out with the interpretations that other Christians or sects pass on to you, and still believe.. It's as well to remember that teachings from books like the bible are only guides, and are mostly a very biased and old fashioned set of rules put in place by man, not god. Everything is up for questioning and that's entirely allowable.
well for one thing .. God isnt about your gay fantasies or any other fantasies for that matter.. we exist in this reality and everything about it including us is to glorify Him .. thats how it works .. it doesnt work any other way .. the evidence to that effect is clear ..
I'm in the same situation. I want to believe but can't.
The things that God in the bible has promised just don't hold up under scrutiny. You have to already believe they're true regardless of the evidence to believe it.
I require evidence. If I didn't require evidence, there would be no end to the nonsense I could and probably would believe.
The Christian God in particular is so contradictory, I don't know how anybody believes in him. If you really want to remain religious, but can't bring yourself to believe in God, might I suggest Buddhism?