Can one 'get high' by drinking methylated spirit?


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Sure. You can also get dead.
A few years ago there was a spate of young medics getting blinded because they were adding alcohol to punch at parties. Unfortunately it was methyl not ethyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol is highly toxic. It is added to spirits specifically to stop people drinking them. That's why it's called methylated spirits.
You'd think medical students would know the difference. Apparently they didn't.

SSP Bowl Dude2019-04-15T15:27:22Z

No, makes you low, about 6 feet under.


No, you get buried deep in the ground. Methyl is wood alcohol "the skull and crossbones" stuff.


You can get dead, that would be probably all you would get..


If you believe in heaven, yes. That's assuming you get there.

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